
April 2, 2011

Poached Egg Sandwich with Spinach, Tomatoes, Bacon and Parmesan

The alarm clock shot music through our room at 6 a.m. this morning, as if it was released from a cannon. It was too loud, too forgettable and persistent, fighting back every time I hit that large snooze button. I fought it. The song won.

My wife and I had a shoot to wake up for, hence the early wake-up call on a normally relaxed Saturday morning. She hurried off to start the coffee and pack the cameras as I drifted in and out of sleep for a few more minutes. A little bit longer. It was a losing battle but I was set on knocking out a few more zzz's. The alarm clock played the villain once again. 

By the time I slipped out of bed and got ready it was almost time to head out. My wife was shooting an engagement session and I was going to play second shooter. You know, stand back and shoot the candid stuff. All fun, no pressure. And it was a chance to spend some quality weekend time with my wife.

As soon as we arrived we tested the camera in the light and waited for the couple to arrive. It was a beautiful morning, a change from the previous few days when the only sun to emerge played hide and seek with the clouds. That's when my mind wandered and started thinking about breakfast. It was 7:30am and my mind is drifting back and forth between my kitchen table and the shoot about to take place. Now.

The couple arrived and we got to work. The camera was knocking out picture after picture. My mind had settled and slipped into the moment. A beautiful moment. Our cameras danced from one to the other while the couple exhaled and relaxed and enjoyed the moment. Their moment.

I remember when my wife called it a wrap. It was as if someone pulled the curtain back in my mind and I could see the light again. Food. Hunger. Now. The wait was nearly over.


I stopped at the market on my way home. My wife was anxious to get home and back to work but I wanted to pick up some local eggs, bacon, tomatoes and spinach. A pit stop. I had been thinking about making a breakfast sandwich for a couple of weeks but I've been settling on something else each time. But not this time. I was locked in on a Poached Egg Sandwich. My poached egg sandwich.

My wife went straight upstairs to work on editing the photos. I went to work downstairs. Two familiar stations, two worlds connected. I oven toasted the muffins and cooked off the bacon. I layered spinach and tomatoes and Parmesan with the poached egg and bacon. It was worth the wait. Almost. 

This sandwich satisfied those early morning weekend cravings. Cravings on hiatus for a couple of hours but that came to fruition. It made up for the early start. Slightly salty and crispy and packed with flavour. Saturday breakfast that I could get used to and the perfect start to the day. Both times.

From my kitchen to yours, happy eating!


  1. Oh. My. God. Egg is the perfect food. My go to comfort food. Some say "put a bird on it" I say put an egg on it! Beautiful pictures that made me want to run to your kichen to grab that sandwich.

  2. Thanks Janis! I think it's the perfect morning comfort food. Anyway you do it.

  3. Looks delicious. You can't go wrong with eggs. I find we are making them all the time lately and not just for breakfast. I like the idea of adding spinach. Mmm.

  4. Beautiful. This is making me regret my choice to run this morning instead of go out (or make) to breakfast with my husband. Yum, breakfast.

  5. Thanks LIsa! I think it tasted better than it looked. Breakfast for dinner is great, too.

    Kimmy, there's always tomorrow! Thanks so much!

  6. Michael what lovely pictures. I'm often scared away from using pink props, but you taught me some neat things here. A splash of pink can add a little drama and interest to colorful food without being too feminine.

    Nicely done.


  7. this looks so yummy.. the egg looks perfectly cooked! gorgeous. :)

  8. Thanks Laura! I'm always learning new things and try to experiment as much as possible. Thanks for dropping a line.

    Kankana, thank you! I appreciate that.

  9. Wow, what a team!! Wifey is an awesome photographer, you're an awesome cook... the perfect duo. :)

    The poached egg looks so good... I wish I could pick the sandwich off my screen.

  10. My friend...
    I am not normally a breakfast sandwich person because fried eggs don't usually do it for me. But a poached eggs just sounds delightful. You've done a great job!

  11. Thanks Kate! My wife is an awesome photographer but I actually take all the food photos. She does everything else.

    Thank you Brian. I don't often head that direction either but from time to time...Thanks!

  12. Hi Michael, Beautiful! Absolutely mouth-watering poached egg sandwich. Loving the two last pictures :)

    Have a great day,


  13. This looks amazing - I wish I was the one responsible for taking that big bite out of it 'cause it looks absolutely delicious!

  14. Thank you so much Aldy! I'm glad you liked them and thanks for dropping in and leaving a comment.

    Lynds, thanks! They're so easy to make you can have the whole thing anytime you want!

  15. This looks like a great breakfast sandwich, and I especially love breakfast sandwiches with poached eggs in them. Awesome musings on trying to squeeze in a few extra moments of sleep: so true.

  16. wonderful Michael and your pictures are amazing, you can almost taste it..yummy

  17. SO brilliant! I'm thinking breakfast for dinner...

  18. So delicious, you are making me hungry!

  19. Honestly? I think that might be the perfect sandwich.

  20. That is gorgeous and looks so yummy! Thanks so much for sharing, your pictures are perfection!

  21. Oh, how I know what you mean about that alarm! We are on spring break this week and for the first time in what seems like months I actually woke to the sun, on my own, with no alarm. What a treat! And with extra time in our mornings and the ingredients already in my fridge, I'm thinking your egg sandwich will be a treat as well. Nicely done! Wonderful post!

  22. Wait! Hold it... did you say Parmesan cheese in an egg sandwich? Oh, now this is something that I've never tried! Yay!

  23. Now this is my kind of breakfast! What a lovely and perfectly poached egg. Thanks for sharing! You have a beautiful blog and I'm looking forward to exploring your recipes.

  24. I tried this yesterday for breakfast. It was wonderful! Thanks!

  25. Looks lovely, no matter how many times I make poached eggs - they never look like this! Beautiful photos.

  26. I`m glad everybody liked this! I appreciate all the comments and for you taking the time to write them out. Sincerely.

  27. I want one... NOW! Send it my way please?

  28. Oh I love poached eggs! And your pictures have induced a craving in me.

    Denise @ Creative Kitchen

  29. Well that's just beautiful! My favorite breakfast.


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