
March 28, 2011

Sunday Mornings and Blueberry Pancakes

Sunday morning is our favourite day of the week. The alarm clock takes the day off and we sink into our covers and each other a little bit longer than the other days. It has a completely different feeling than the rest of the week, slightly lazy and relaxed and warm. If I had a day to call my own, it would be Sunday.

When I was a kid I despised Sundays. Friday was the day to stay up late because Saturday was the day to sleep in my house. I never did though. Yet Sunday seemed to be on a clock that moved in double time and I could see the second hand moving two by two. Dinner would hit the table before I had time to breathe and I was getting ready for bed and school before I could blink.

Now that I'm older I like to breathe in these moments. Stay a little longer in bed smiling at my wife as she fights the light when her eyes finally open. Sit at the able a little longer with breakfast and fresh coffee and juice, enjoying the food and conversation and never wanting it to stop. And watching the second hand as it hits each and every mark. 


I love early mornings when I could be sleeping a little bit longer. I tip toe down the stairs and grab the coffee and grind it down. I start the machine and listen to the drops of coffee hit the pot as I start prepping breakfast. Fresh batter and blueberries picked up at the market a day earlier. Nothing beats a lazy Sunday morning more than fresh Blueberry Pancakes and local maple syrup. 

We sit at our kitchen table and marvel at the rays from the sun that push through our back kitchen windows. Today feels more like spring than any day before it. And fresh berries and pancakes seems like the perfect way to start a lovely spring day. Spring Sunday.  

If I had Sundays like this as a kid with pancakes and nowhere to go, I just might have developed a liking to it. Just a bit. And I would have stayed a bit longer at the table hoping my mom would make another batch as I sat patiently watching the clock slow down, just for a moment.

From my kitchen to yours, happy eating!

Blueberry Pancakes

The Goods:
  • 1 cup self-raising flour
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 large egg
  • 300 ml milk
  • 1 1/2 tbsp. butter, melted
  • 150 grams blueberries
  • knob of butter for cooking
  • maple syrup
  1. Using a large bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt. Beat the egg with the milk in a small bowl. Make a well in the dry ingredients and whisk in the milk a bit at a time until combined and smooth. Add in the melted butter and half the blueberries. Stir gently until mixed.
  2. Use a large non-stick pan and add a splash of oil and a knob of butter and heat to just over medium. Drop a large tablespoon of the batter into the pan and cook for about 3 minutes, or until small bubbles start to appear on the surface. Flip over and cook another 2 minutes and until golden.
  3. Serve with syrup and more blueberries. Makes about 10 pancakes.


  1. I'm loving that melted butter on top. That's how we always had them growing up.

    These pancakes are beautiful and your description of your Sunday morning is so soothing. I too try to relax on those mornings... take a moment for myself. Can't think of a better way of doing it than with a batch of some scrumptious pancakes.

  2. Beautiful post. I have to agree with Brian, the butter on top makes me want to jump through the screen. So happy to have stumbled upon your blog!

  3. A crowd favorite in our home too...although I need to rediscover the whole notion of lazy Sunday morning!

  4. Brian, thanks for the comment. Lazy Sundays are the best! Btw, I accidentally deleted your comment. Sorry!

    Thank you Kimmy for stumbling! I'm glad you found it and liked it!

    Barb, there'll be a time soon enough when I lose the ability be lazy on Sundays and I'll be more appreciative when they come. I hope rediscover it soon, it's fabulous!

  5. Your pancakes are so perfect, my friend. And I love the pictures with the blue gingham cloth, a perfect match for blueberry pancakes!

  6. So glad a stumble buddy shared your post with me....such great pictures & wonderful writing!! We love pancakes at our house, but with 3 girls...we have to pull out the electric skillet to make 8 at a time. Best gift my MIL ever got me....well, one of them...she's a great gift picker outer haha.

    Denise @ Creative Kitchen

  7. After a crazy week Sunday morning is usually family breakfast time for us. I can't wait to try these pancakes and maybe a little fresh fruit on the side.

  8. Sundays are one of my favorite days of the week too. It's the day that things have slowed down and you can reflect on what has happend in the previous week and what is to come in the next week.

    These pancakes (especially with the blueberries) would be a meal to enjoy while mulling things over on a lazy Sunday morning :D

  9. Thank you, Denise! I'm glad you stumbled and found it. Thanks for the kind comments. My MIL is the same way, wicked at gift giving.

    Felice, pancakes with fresh fruit is ideal on lazy weekend mornings. Let me know how it goes.

    Rochelle, I couldn't agree more. Thank you!

  10. My favorite way to start the weekend has always been with a glorious stack of pancakes. Wonderful job.


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