
February 5, 2011

Nutella Caramel Squares

I remember the moment. I was 10 years old. I was staying over at a friend's house and woke up to a different routine. Instead of squinting and rubbing my eyes and smelling bacon drifting from the kitchen, I smelled toast and chocolate. Did I sleep through the day? Did I wake up in parallel universe where dessert was served after every meal, including breakfast? 

We went downstairs and I saw the jar. And the plate with chocolate-covered toast. My world would never be the same again. The taste has stayed with me all those years. There was an alternative to bacon and eggs and I was a fan.

Up until that moment in time Nutella was a foreign word to me. I had never heard of it, never tasted it. I'm as big a chocolate fan as the next person but it didn't dawn on me that it worked on toast as well. In hindsight, how could it not? Chocolate rolls with everything. Waking up that day to a cup of juice with  chocolate and hazelnut on a crispy piece of bread changed the way I looked at food. It no longer was something resigned to the forms you grew up knowing. 

There are countless memories formed because of food. I can remember moments in time and places in time based on something I ate or tried for the first time. Food helps lift back the curtain so we can see again, remember again.

Although Nutella was seen one way for a long time, that soon began to change. There are countless ways to make something and even more ways to deconstruct it. I used to see Nutella as a lovely spread and not much more. I realize now how wrong I was. This is one of those rare moments when I love being wrong. 

Today is World Nutella Day. Some of you know this, some don't. Either way, this is just one more way to make something using Nutella as your starting point. In my case, it was an opportunity to make Nutella Caramel Squares, the third in a series of recipes featuring chocolate.

The result is nothing short of fantastic. Rich and dense, Much like that morning when I was a kid, I had discovered something I had never tried before.  Melting Nutella to help create this layered treat. 

From my kitchen to yours, happy world Nutella day!

Nutella Caramel Squares

The Goods
  • 1 1/2 cups of butter
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 cans of condensed milk
  • 1 cup butter
  • 3 tbsp. golden syrup
  • 5 cups Nutella
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Using a mixing bowl and electric mixer, cream 1 1/2 cups of butter. Add in the flour and sugar slowly and mix until you have a loose dough.
  3. Push down and pack the dough into an 8"x8" baking pan and bake for 25 minutes. Remove and set aside to cool.
  4. Mix 1 cup of butter, syrup and condensed milk over a double boiler. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon until golden brown. Then, using a whisk, vigorously stir until fluffy. Remove from heat.
  5. Spread over the baked shortbread layer and refrigerate until solid, about an hour.
  6. Melt the Nutella over a double boiler and pour over the caramel layer.
  7. Return to the fridge and cool to set.
  8. Once the squares are slightly set, score with a knife to make it easier to cut later.
  9. Serve.


  1. Like Nutellafied Nanaimo bars :-) Wish I was enjoying one right now!

  2. Mardi, it's funny you say that. As I ate one it had a distinct flavour that I couldn't put my finger on. That's it!! Thanks!

  3. Mmm these look so good. I will definitely have to pick up the giant jar of Nutella next time I am in Costco. Thanks for this one and Happy Nutella day!

  4. Wow, those sound like one decadent and delicious treat. I have a sweet treat linky party going on at my blog right now and I'd like to invite you to stop by and link your bars up.

  5. oh my these look so good like millionaires shortbread from the UK


  6. Just lovely! Thank you for sharing :)

  7. I love anything that has golden syrup in it. I wish we could buy Top n Fill like they have in Australia. It is basically condensed milk that has already been caramelized for you. I am looking forward to trying these.

  8. I absolutely love Nutella, and these look so delish!

  9. Lisa, it's great having a jar of nutella in the pantry. Thank you and happy nutella day back atcha!

    Lisa, thank you. They're definitely decadent! I'll drop by in a bit.

    Rebecca, i'm not sure what those are but the shortbread is definitely the same! Thanks for the comment.

    Thanks Mateja and thanks for dropping in!

    Felice, it could have saved me time having a can already done for you. I like that idea! Thanks and let me know if you do make it.

    Thanks Steph! I love it too and this is the day to be a fan!

  10. save me a piece for Monday, sounds so sweet! and yummy

  11. We LOVE Nutella at our house. Yes, Nutella day is every day!
    Your delicious squares are bookmarked and will be baked tomorrow. Can't wait!
    Thanks, Kirsten.

  12. I wish I could remember the first time I had Nutella. To me it's something that has just always been there.
    These squares sound incredible. Happy Nutella Day!

  13. Five sticks of butter? As in 1 1/4 pounds of butter?

  14. when I`m looking at this I`m really hungry :) with such delicious combo it must be awesome! I`m so glad I found your blog and I`m going to stop by your blog more often :)

  15. Kirtsen, have fun with it. It's a bit time consuming but my goodness they're good! Thanks!

    Thank you Lynn! Happy Day right back to you as well!

    Diane, 5 sticks as in 2 1/2 cups. 1 1/2 to help make the shortbread base and 1 cup for the caramel sauce. Hope that helps.

    Thank you Pauala. I get hungry as well looking at blogs. I'm so glad you found this one and hope you come back often. Thank you so much!

  16. Michael, those are amazing! I am thinking that deep inside you knew you were playing with the Canadian treat, Nanaimo bars...right? ;-) I love those, too!
    Hope you enjoyed Nutella Day! I sure did.

  17. Thank you Kate! Maybe on some subconscious level I did. I never thought of it and i've never made Nanaimo bars before but it's possible. I'm glad you enjoyed it, it's a fun blogging day.

  18. Nice....lovely dessert...nutella is always a winner
    If you have time check out my new dessert and guest post..Thanks!

  19. You were TEN when you first had Nutella?!?!?!? Well, aren't you lucky! I do not think I had Nutella until I was in college, but what a life changer it was! These squares look Fan.Tas.Tic! :D

  20. Oh, how decadent! Love anything with caramel, so I'm certain I could eat a pan of these squares :)

  21. These should taste so good and so sweet.. :)

  22. I have no words, I am simply drooling all over my keyboard.

  23. Thanks Tiffany! I guess I should thank my friend's mom, without her I may have been waiting a long time.

    Thnak you Lizzy! I had a sugar coma after a couple of them. Really tasty but also rich.

    Medeja, oh they did! Thnaks for dropping in again.

    Ha! Thanks Carolyn! That's quite the image.

  24. I didn't discovere Nutella until grad school and realized I was missing out for so many years! Great post, I love that these bars have nutella AND caramel. Utterly sinful!

  25. Delicious!

    Chocolate for breakfast is brilliant. Honestly...made of win. I love you. ;)

  26. Looks awesome! Nutella is the best, great story


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